
Elder on Duty: Bill Roffe                                           Liturgist:  Karl Roth
Communion Assistant: Fred Dworning                 Altar Guild:  Helga Kanning
Ushering Team: Lori Dworning  & Stacia Hackmann

Jan: 5              Epiphany
Lector:  Janet Voss                                                   Fellowship Hour:  Fellowship
Live Stream Team: Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Jan: 12            Baptism of the Lord                          Communion
Lector:  Brooke Hackmann                                    Fellowship Hour:  Stewardship
Live Stream Team:  Steve & Debbie Balint

Jan: 19            2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Lector: Joan Pollard                                                Fellowship Hour:  Women of the Congregation
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Sue Ryan

Jan: 26            3rd Sunday after Epiphany              Communion

Lector: Linda Mandau                                            Fellowship Hour: Elders
Live Stream Team: Chris & David Raab


Elder on Duty:  Fred Dworning                               Liturgist:  Bob Rutledge
Communion Assistant:  Miles Kanning                  Altar Guild:  Shirley Prokop & Lottie Bauer
Ushering Team: Karl Roth & James Roth

Feb. 2             Presentation of the Lord                  Communion
Lector:  Bob Lockhart                                              Fellowship Hour:  Endowment & Evangelism
Live Stream Team:    Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan                                          Seminary Sunday

Feb.  9            5th Sunday after Epiphany              Communion
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                                Fellowship Hour:  Christian Education & Church Staff
Live Stream Team: Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Feb. 16            6th Sunday after Epiphany
Lector: Howard Volmelker                                     Fellowship Hour:  LWML
Live Stream Team:  Steve & Debbie Balint

Feb. 23            7th Sunday after Epiphany              Communion
Lector:  Janet Voss                                                  Fellowship Hour:  Public Relations & Wrapped in Love
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Bill Roffe


Elder on Duty:  Bill DeBenedictis                            Liturgist:  Bill Roffe
Communion Assistant:  Karl Roth                           Altar Guild:  Joan Pollard & Helga Kanning
Ushering Team: Shirley Prokop & Sue Ryan

Mar. 2            The Transfiguration of our Lord     Communion
Lector:  Dan Rein
Live Stream Team:  Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Mar. 5             Ash Wednesday     Communion
Lector:  Bill Roffe
Live Stream: Brooke & Stacia Hackmann

Mar. 9             1st Sunday of Lent                             Communion
Lector:  Janet Voss                                                  Fellowship Hour:  Thrivent
Live Stream: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan                                           (Rep to attend w info?)

Mar. 12           Mid-Week Lenten
Lector:  Bob Rutledge
Live Stream: Brooke & Stacia Hackmann

Mar. 16           2nd Sunday of Lent                            Communion
Lector:  Bill Roffe                                                       Fellowship Hour:  Church Council
Power Point:  Steve & Debbie Balint

Mar. 19           Mid-Week Lenten
Lector:  Bob Rutledge
Live Stream: Brooke & Stacia Hackmann

Mar. 23           3rd Sunday of Lent                            Communion
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                                Fellowship Hour:  Altar Guild
Live Stream: Gary Jones & Sue Ryan

Mar. 26           Mid-Week Lenten
Lector:  Bob Rutledge
Live Stream: Brooke & Stacia Hackmann

Mar.  30          4th Sunday of Lent                Communion
Lector:  Linda Mandau                                            Fellowship Hour:  Stewardship
Live Stream: Chris & David Raab


Elder on Duty:  Bill DeBenedictis                            Liturgist:  Fred Dworning
Communion Assistant:  Dan Rein                          Altar Guild:  Marilynn Rutledge & Lottie Bauer
Ushering Team:  Linda Mandau & Joan Pollard

April 6             5th Sunday of Lent
Lector:  Brooke Hackmann                                    Fellowship Hour: Choir & Worship Musician
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

April 13           Palm Sunday                                     Communion
Lector:  Karl Roth                                                      Fellowship Hour:  Church Council
Live Stream: Brooke Hackmann & Bill Roffe

April 17           Maundy Thursday                            Communion
Lector:  Janet Voss
Live Stream: Brooke & Stacia Hackmann

April 18           Good Friday: Noon Service
Lector:  Bob Lockhart
Live Stream: Gary Jones

April 18           Good Friday: Evening Service – 7:00 p.m.
Lector:  Bob Rutledge
Live Stream Team:    Brooke & Stacia Hackmann

April 20           Easter Sunday                                   Communion
Lector:  Karl Roth                                                      Fellowship Hour:  Fellowship- Easter Brunch
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

April 27           2nd Sunday of Easter                        Communion
Lector:  Brooke Hackmann                                    Fellowship Hour:  Tech Ministry
Live Stream: Steve & Debbie Balint


Elder on Duty: Chris Raab                                       Liturgist:  Fred Dworning
Communion Assistant:  Bob Lockhart                   Altar Guild:  Helga Kanning & Helper
Ushering Team: Bob & Marilyn Rutledge

May 4             3rd Sunday of Easter
Lector:  Howard Volmelker                                    Fellowship Hour:  Wrapped in Love
Live Stream: David Raab & Brooke Hackmann

May 11            4th Sunday of Easter                        Communion             Mother’s Day
Lector:  Bob Lockhart                                              Fellowship Hour:  Men of the Congregation
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

May 18           5th Sunday of Easter
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                                Fellowship Hour:  LWML
Live Stream Team: Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

May 25           6th Sunday of Easter                         Communion
Lector:  Karl Roth                                                      Fellowship Hour:  Pastor & Brooke
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint

May 29           Ascension Day                                 Communion
Lector:  Janet Voss
Live Stream: Brooke & Stacia Hackmann


Elder on Duty:  Miles Kanning                                 Liturgist:  Fred Dworning
Communion Assistant:  Bill DeBenedictis             Altar Guild:  Joan Bauer & Shirley Prokop
Ushering Team:  Stacia Hackmann & Lori Dworning

June 1            7th Sunday of Easter
Lector:  Brooke Hackmann                                    Fellowship Hour:  Trustees & Social Ministry
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

June 8             Pentecost                                          Communion
Lector:  Linda Mandau                                            Fellowship Hour: Congregational Luncheon
Live Stream Team:  Chris & David Raab                                                   Heritage Dinner

June 15          Trinity Sunday  Father’s Day           Communion
Lector:  Gary Jones                                                                  Fellowship Hour:  Women of the Congregation
Live Stream: Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

June 22          2nd Sunday after Pentecost             Communion
Lector:  Joan Pollard                                               Fellowship Hour:  Lutheran HS Association Delegates
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint

June 29        3rd Sunday after Pentecost               Communion
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                                Fellowship Hour:  Elders
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Sue Ryan


Elder on Duty:  Karl Roth                                          Liturgist:  Dan Rein
Communion Assistant:  Jacob Warren                 Altar Guild:  Janet Voss
Ushering Team:  Linda Mandau & Joan Pollard

July 6              4th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Sue Ryan                                                     Fellowship Hour:  All Congregation
Live Stream Team:  Chris & David Raab

July 13            5th Sunday after Pentecost             Communion
Lector:  Janet Voss                                                  Fellowship Hour:  Stewardship
Live Stream Team: Brooke Hackmann &  Helga Kanning

 July 20            6th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Bob Rutledge                                             Fellowship Hour:  Elders
Live Stream Team:  Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

July 27            7th Sunday after Pentecost              Communion
Lector:  Linda Mandau                                            Fellowship Hour:  Trustees & Social Ministry
Live Stream Team:  Steve & Debbie Balint


Elder on Duty:  Bill DeBenedictis                            Liturgist:  David Raab
Communion Assistant:  Chris Raab                       Altar Guild:  Joan Pollard & Donna Nebe
Ushering Team:  Karl Roth & James Roth

August 3         8th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Brooke Hackmann                                    Fellowship Hour:  Endowment & Evangelism
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

August 10       9th Sunday after Pentecost              Communion
Lector:  Chris Raab                                                  Fellowship Hour:  Christian Education & Church Staff
Live Stream Team:  Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

August 17       10th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Sue Ryan                                                     Fellowship Hour:  LWML
Live Stream Team:  Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

August 24       11th Sunday after Pentecost Communion
Lector:  Bob Lockhart                                              Fellowship Hour:  Endowment & Evangelism
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint

August 31       12th Sunday after Pentecost Communion
Lector:  Bob Lockhart                                              Fellowship Hour:  Endowment & Evangelism
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

Elder on Duty: Karl Roth                                           Liturgist:  Bill Roffe
Communion Assistant:  Bob Lockhart                   Altar Guild:  Janet Voss
Ushering Team:  Shirley Prokop & Sue Ryan

Sept. 7            13th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Bill Roffe                                                       Fellowship Hour:  Christian Ed.
Live Stream Team:  Gary Jones & Bill Roffe                      Rally Day Cookie Bake-Off

Sept. 14          14th Sunday after Pentecost  Communion
Lector:  Howard Volmelker                                    Fellowship Hour:  Tech Ministry
Live Stream Team:  Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Sept. 21          15th Sunday after Pentecost           Communion
Lector:  Linda Mandau                                            Fellowship Hour:  Elders
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Chris Raab

Sept. 28          16th Sunday after Pentecost  Communion
Lector:  Joan Pollard                                               Fellowship Hour:  Alter Guild
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint


Elder on Duty: Bill DeBenedictis                             Liturgist:  Bob Rutledge
Communion Assistant:  Karl Roth                           Altar Guild: Marilyn Rutledge & Joan Bauer
Ushering Team:  Linda Mandau & Joan Pollard

Oct. 5             17th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                                Fellowship Hour:  Trustees &Social Ministry
Live Stream Team:  Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Oct. 12           18th Sunday after Pentecost            Communion
Lector:  Karl Roth                                                      Fellowship Hour:  Church Council
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

Oct. 19           19th Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Joan Pollard                                               Fellowship Hour:  Stewardship Sunday
Live Stream Team:  Gary Jones & Chris Raab                                          Chili Cook-Off

Oct. 26           Reformation Sunday                        Communion
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                    Fellowship Hour:  Pastor & Brooke
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint


Elder on Duty: Bob Rutledge                                  Liturgist:  Chris Raab
Communion Assistant:  Miles Kanning                  Altar Guild:  Donna Nebe & Helga Kanning
Ushering Team:  Karl Roth & James Roth

Nov. 2          All Saints Sunday                      Communion
Lector:  Bob Lockhart                                              Fellowship Hour:  Congregational Family Recipe Sharing
Live Stream Team: Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Nov. 9             22nd Sunday after Pentecost           Communion
Lector:  Sue Ryan                                                     Fellowship Hour:  Pastor & Brooke
Live Stream Team:  Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

Nov. 16           23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Lector:  Linda Mandau                                                        Fellowship Hour:  LWML
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

Nov.  23          Last Sunday of Church Year/Christ the King Sunday                    Communion
Lector:  Joan Pollard                                               Fellowship Hour:  Men of the Congregation
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint

Nov. 27           Thanksgiving Eve Service
Lector:  Fred Dworning
Live Stream Team:  Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Nov. 30th            1st Sunday of Advent                                Communion
Lector:  Dan Rein                                                      Fellowship Hour: Christian Ed. & Church Staff
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Bill Roffe                                               Advent Activity/Project


Elder on Duty: Karl Roth                                           Liturgist:  Fred Dworning
Communion Assistant:  Bob Lockhart                   Altar Guild: Shirley Prokop & Helga Kanning
Ushering Team:  Bob & Marilyn Rutledge (Sunday Services)   [Volunteers  (Mid-Week Advent)]

Dec. 3             Midweek Advent Service
Lector:  Chris Raab
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

Dec 7              Second Sunday in Advent             Communion
Lector:  Howard Volmelker                                    Fellowship Hour:  Endowment & Evangelism
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint

Dec. 10           Midweek Advent Service
Lector:  Janet Voss
Live Stream Team: Brooke Hackmann & Helga Kanning

Dec. 14           Third Sunday in Advent
Lector:  Joan Pollard                                               Fellowship Hour:  Tech Ministry
Live Stream Team: Gary Jones & Bill Roffe

Dec. 17           Midweek Advent Service
Lector:  Brooke Hackmann
Live Stream Team: Stacia Hackmann & Sue Ryan

Dec. 21           Fourth Sunday in Advent                 Communion
Lector:  Sarah Nebe                                                Fellowship Hour:  Elders
Live Stream Team: Steve & Debbie Balint

Dec. 24           Christmas Eve           4 p
Lector:   TBA
Live Stream Team: TBA

                        Christmas Eve           7 p
Lector:  TBA
Live Stream Team: TBA

Dec. 25           Christmas Day          10 a                Communion
Lector:  TBA
Live Stream Team: TBA

Dec. 28           First Sunday after Christmas           Communion
Lector:  TBA
Live Stream Team:

Dec. 3 1          New Year’s Eve         7p                    Communion
Lector:  TBA
Live Stream Team: TBA